Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 4!

Week 3 came to an OK end. Met 10 hours of continuing education requirements online today. Waited until the very last day to meet the final 10 hours. Maybe that'll explain to you how much I dread physical therapy continuing education. New Jersey's finest lawmakers decided to require 30 hours of conitung ed every 2 years from all licensed PTs. Althought most PTs can go under the State's radar and never get caught, it would be a gamble. I already got busted once and learned my lesson. I hope they pick me again to do the random audit!! Bring it on!!!!!!!!

Today was all about completing the 10 hours and doing some proposal work for a real estate client of mine. Oh...and I watched the last few minutes of the grammys. Enjoyed Lil Wayne and Eminem's performance. A bit tired of seeing and hearing about Taylor Swift. I don't get it! She is an ok singer at best..can't dance at all..and can't act (really tired of the "surprised I won speech"). Hey, but who am I to criticize her for winning pretty much every music award in 2009 and prob 2010. She must be doing something right. Beyonce and Alicia Keys make her look like an amateur.

Have had a kink in my neck region for the last 2 days. Woke up with it on Friday morning. It's usually s a sign that I need to replace my pillow. The online courses just made it feel worse. I'm contemplating going for a massage tomorrow. Hopefully, it'll be gone tomorrow and I'll be ready to face a kick ass week without any annoying kinks.

Had a hard time sleeping through the night on Friday...woke up at 5:20 am. Since I couldn't fall back asleep, I decided to attend Joel's boxing class at BD. I usually don't attend since I like to get started later on Sturday mornings. It was a good class...the warm up was 30 minutes though. I did like the end when all of us had a chance to hit focus mits. Contrary to what non-fighters tell you, it always feel great to punch things. After the class, I did some push ups, abs, and shoulders.

My diet on Saturdays/Sundays are not as strict as the rest of the week, but is still pretty lean and natural.

I apologize for the ESL level grammer and spelling...have to write the posts in the morning. The late night postings stink!!

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