Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 1

Fact: A baseline fitness level must be established for such a seemingly intense program to be safe, effective, and efficient. Fatigue caused me to compromise function today. It felt great getting back into the gym but it was definitely a struggle to get through the program (as you will see below). Until my fitness level improves to an acceptable baseline, power/plyometric exercises will be reserved for the first half of the program. I'm assuming by approximately week 3 or 4, I'll be able to mix it up without such a compromise of function and performance.

Below is the program (notes are in green) I followed for today and what I ate.

Warm-up: Jump rope (5 min) and VersaClimber (5 min) Love this part and the VERSACLIMBER

4 Cycles/sets of each pair of exercises (15/15/10/10 reps respectively for each of the 4 sets)

-Kettlebell Row bilaterally & alternating Kettlebells were MIA. Used 25lbs DBs Did OK
-Push-ups: Bench plyo & non-plyo Did OK

-Barbell Deadlift-Shrug Used 25 lbs DB instead. Did OK
-Dumbbell lunge 0 weights. Did OK
By this point, I was at set # 8 of the workout without rest...Fatigue set in!
-Kipping Pull-ups Fatigue set in and I realized I was in over my head with these!! Did 10-10-6-6.
-Flat push-ups with Quadruped crunch Managed to get through these
-Kettlebell Jump Squats 0 lbs and only managed to get through 2x15
-2 ft bilateral box jumps Held off on these completely due to calves cramping sad!

2 Cycles/sets of each exercise (25/20 reps respectively for the 2 sets) These were successfully done
-Lat raises
-Alternating bicep curls (using yellow tubing)
-Dip progressives

2 Cycles/sets (25/20 reps respectively for the 2 sets) Though very nauseous at this point...did it!

-KTE with pelvic tilt

-a cup of water upon waking up
-30 min after waking up. Breakfast (Large magic bullet serving size mixture of tbsp gogi berries, tsp cocoa powder, tbsp hemp seed, 1/4 cup hemp seed protein, tbsp roasted unsalted almonds, tbsp roasted unsalted sunflower seeds, tsp acai powder, 1/2 serving of whey 25g of protein, whole banana, a serving of green vibrance, and capped off with coconut water). A variety of this shake has been my breakfast for the last year. I believe it's helped me cut out coffee for good and kept the doctor away for a year.
-another cup of water 15 min after shake with fish oil capsule
-LUNCH was with a friend at a Turkish restaurant (half a portion of: yogurt dip with half a pita, turkish garden salad, 3 small blocks of chicken breast kabab, and 1/2 cup of rice. hand palm sized Turkish "pizza")
-DINNER: Serving of fried rice + lean meats and seasoning, a small block of slamon, and a cup of fresh salsa
-Finish the evening with the other 1/2 serving of whey protein.

It felt great to not feel stuffed after every meal. As you can tell, the meals were delicious and quite normal. Again the goal is to obtain my fitness goals while living a truly healthful balanced life. Besides, I enjoy flavors and ethnic food too much to be eating chicken and brocolli for every meal. There is absolutely no need to follow this unsual flavor-less diet followed by so many fitness enthusiasts.

Overall, I'm very pleased with how I did today. However, reality hit me and I realize how truly deconditioned I just gives me more motivation knowing results are coming and they'll come fast!!! =)

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