Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'm just about ready to launch my transformation and my return to basics.  I realized today that what I'm about to begin is going to resemble more of a lifestyle change.  Perspective will undoubtedly be altered to reflect more of what I am.  This probably doesn't even make sense to you but it does to me.

Today was another busy one...
Met my parents and an attorney friend to set me up with a power of attorney on behalf of my parents.  As some of you already know, my parents will be indefinitely relocating back to Seoul, South Korea on 1/23/10.  The document allows me to do what I need to do for them while they are living in Korea.  They seem happy.

Our family came to the U.S. in 1984 due to my father's employment at Samsung Electronics.  Samsung essentially paid for our family to live here for 2 years while my father led a team of 11 engineers on a huge project.  Once the work was complete, we were asked to return to Korea.  I still remember my parents sitting us down and asking us if we wanted to go back.  My sister and I cried and said no since we had grown quite fond of our new home.  Being the loving/soft man who obviously cared deeply for us, my father decided to quit Samsung and start from scratch to give us a chance at the "American dream".  I remember the next decade or so being very tough on all of us as my father adjusted to working and making minimum wage.  Being that he is Ken Lee, he worked his ass off and out-performed all his co-workers to rise to a management position at a small telecommunication firm.  Basically, he did what he needed to do to put 2 kids through college and see them succeed as professionals.  My mother gave up almost everything to support my father through his early career at Samsung.  When my father decided it was best for him to quit Samsung, my mother supported him 100%.  She is truly the glue which held our family so close together during many trying times.  All my close friends know how I feel about my parents and how much I'm indebted to their self-sacrifice and unconditional love.  It is my turn to support them as best I can as life continues to impose challenges on us.  Recently my father expressed some regret of how he wished he was in a position to financial invest in my business ideas.  I told him if he had been a rich man who was able to lavish riches on me, I would most definitely turned out differently.  My intense motivation, drive, and passions developed because I had to find my own means of obtaining my goals.  For that opportunity, he did more than a son could ask for.  Just so you all father would have retired recently from Samsung as a senior executive if he had decided to go back to Korea over 25 years ago.  I am only thankful to my parents for making the decision to stay.  Now, I feel my pops gets it.  He has gotten to know me recently as an adult and realized he did the best he could...which was pretty damn good.  THANK YOU!

Lunch today was with Eugene.  You will hear Eugene's name quite a bit in many future posts.  He is as close to a little brother I never had.  I also consider him my protege when it comes to fitness.  Eugene is a highly qualified personal trainer who will be an integral part of Jato Fitness.  He is also about to finish his studies in acupuncture (done in May of this year).  Our lunch discussion was mostly me rambling on and on about my blog and my human "project".  It's important for all Jato trainers to be at their peak physical/mental informal job requirement!  I do believe you have to live out what you preach to gain true respect/acceptence from other/clients.  The other half of our lunch was talking about the his possibility of working for/with Maven Sports Medicine as an acupuncturist.  That was always a part of the Maven business model, but I wasn't sure if it was best for us to mix business with family.  I asked him to put his thoughts/plans on paper and we'll see where it could lead.  He's a great guy and I want whats best for him...

Had 3 more meetings...

Met up with a friend for a happy hour dinner.  We've had limited interactions in the past, but thought there may be some opportunities.  It was definitely great conversation.  Peter and his family will be moving to Hawaii in June.  We thought we'd talk about life, business, and our plans.  It's amazing how people always first view me as this quiet low key guy.  He seemed quite surprised to find out how driven I am and how passionate I can be in discussions about life, religion, and human behavior.  Maybe I'm one of those people who can't be judged by its "cover".  It's cool though...I like surprising people.  He expressed some interest/desire to possibly launch a business in Hawaii with me.  Would be a fun place to vacation but not sure about as a permanent destination!  I have too many places to see/visit. 

Night ended by celebrating Scott's (Scott is manager for my business Maven) 31st birthday at a local lounge/bar Blend in Ridgewood, NJ.  They've changed ownership recently and we've heard its doing well.  Fortunately/unfortunately, it still has the reputation as a cougar's den.  In addition to it being Scott's little celebration, Pete's (one of my staff at Maven) band Dark City Saints was due to perform there at 10:15.  The crowd was mostly there to support the band.  We had a good group show up from Maven and the gyms.  Low key but everyone had fun.  The band sounded great and Pete put on a show.  Froze my ass off walking to the car!  Glad to be home working on my new hobby...Blogging!    

I think tomorrow will be the launch date!!!!  4pm folks!  That just sent a chill down my back....

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