Monday, February 1, 2010

Dirty looks from other members!! Now I know we're training!

Got some dirty looks from other members today! I guess 8 people training together in one area of the gym can earn some "looks". They weren't looks of disgust or even dislike...instead, they were looks of annoyance or maybe envy. Instead of hating on us, all they have to do is ask to join in! Unfortunately...for them...we have every right to do what we do. It was fun and intense today. 4 die hard ladies and 4 brave men got together and truly put on a show for each other and the "spectators". Man, the first cycle was tough on everyone. I could almost hear "what the hell am I doing" from each pant exhaled by the 8. I originally had 3 cycles planned...but realized today was not a good night to die! I have some important meetings scheduled this week. =)

Here goes another soap box!!
People who spend hours on the cardio machines and do absolutely no resistance training. Yes, most of these people are women and they are typically afraid of resistance training due to their understanding that they will bulk up and begin to look manly. Women!! Unless you are taking physician prescribed hormones or naturally have abnormally high levels of testosterone in your body, you will not begin to look like the incredible hulk. It takes a very intense meathead workout regime/diet and some extra hormones to give you enough hypertrophy of muscles to actually "bulk" up.
Chances or I were not born with a surplus of already efficient metabolically active tissue called muscles! Most or all of us have to train our muscles so they become more efficient fat burning centers of our body. That is why you need to resistance train as well. Resistance training helps muslces reach their potential as the "firepit" which fat is broken down into energy components and released via heat (calories). If you aren't seeing much reductions in dress size after 5 days a week of running 10 miles on the treadmill....try adding a regular resistance training regimen to your routine. Oh and you may want to eat more than 2 meals a day. Less meals a day = lowering your basal metabolic rate (basically the calories you burn when you are simply sitting still). Your body will respond to what you expose it to. If you eat small portions frequently and healthfully, your body will adjust your metabolic rate to accommodate and increase the rate at which calories are burned. If you eat no breakfast and a rabbit dinner, it will slow the basal metabolic rate to make sure it conserves energy combustion thus slowing your metabolic rate. Ok...enough on this topic.

I'm going to take it a bit easy tomorrow at Cliffside Park. Why you ask? I'm feeling slightly tired. Maybe I'll get a massage and hang out with the old Korean folks in the steam room and sauna! On second thought...massage sounds good on its own.

Wednesday is my 1 month mark!! Prior to working out on Wed, I'll have Scott once again measure my fat % and take pictures. I'll post the pictures next to the shots I took a month ago before beginning this crazy program. Hopefully, you'll also see the difference I see and feel. I'm pretty sure my body composition has improved. Wednesday's workout at Paramus should be another crazy one.

I completely forgot to take some pictures of tonight's crew and a video clip or two for posting. Tonight would've been a great night for some video footage. Oh well...

Today's workout:
-Warm-up: TM 5 min/Bike 5 min (the gym was packed!)
-Two cycles of the 8 stations below (30 seconds each station) NO REST!
1. Full plyo push-ups/Plyo push ups on knees
2. Line Ski hops side to side
3. Reg push ups
4. 25 lbs plate squats
5. DB push-ups
6. Soccer dribble kick ups
7. Lunges
8. REST station
-3 cycles of the 4 stations below (30 seconds each station) NO REST!
1. Knee/kick heavy bag
2. Hold for the kicker (keep time)
3. Push ups on knees
4. Crunches
-6 cycles of these 2 stair activities. NO REST!
1. Two legged hop (3 stairs at a time going up). Fast walk down 1 step at a time.
2. Run up 2 stairs at a time. Fast walk down 1 step at a time.
-3 cycles of the following 5 stations. NO REST!
1. Dip bar ab KTC rolls (12-10-8)
2. Dip tricep progressives legs straight/knees bent (25-20-15)
3. Suspension KTC Abs or Hip Pike TRX straps (20-15-10)
4. Narrow grip push ups on elevated surface (20-15-15)
5. Crunches (25-20-20)
-RPE: 17 -TIME: 75-80 min

-Breakfast: Super Shake and fish oil
-Lunch: Thai (spicy chicken, rice, and tom yum soup)
-Dinner: 5 egg whites scrambled, small block of ahi tuna, seaweed soup with rice.
-Tons of water.

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