Sunday, January 10, 2010

Now that's what I'm talking about!!

Muscles soreness is at full force today! I love it! Decided to listen to my muscles screaming and take the day off from training. The rest should help prepare me for the week ahead...this week will be my first full week of training in a long time.
As much as consistent training is important to obtaining peak fitness, listening to your body and resting is equally essential for progress and long-term change. Most people who are kicking off a new fitness regimen go to extremes forgetting about patience and steady progress. Gradually increasing the intensity to match the current fitness level will help prevent this.
As I thought about the seminar we held yesterday, I keep thinking about how much I enjoy publicly speaking about my passions and beliefs. Once I've reached a level of "success", I would really enjoy holding seminars and conferences related to self-improvement and life/business coaching. I guess time will tell how my life unfolds!

As all of my family and close friends know, I have a hard time finding people to learn from. I guess that's where my ego and pride comes in. Often times, I feel people just don't get it. This is not to say I've figured it all out...quite the contrary. It just means I find too many contradictions in people for me to take what they say too seriously. I do find sound/meaningful advice and guidance from reading books written by people who appear to have put some deep thought into what they say. I feel people truly living out their passions and beliefs is a rarity in this life. It appears most people don't have a clue what they live for. The sadest part is that they aren't bothered enough by their lack of purpose to do anything about it. This all said, this year I hope to find an actual mentor whom I can confide in. Who is this person going to be? I guess I'll find out...

Sorry for the rambling. I've never kept a diary before...and blogging is allowing me to think things through and "speak" about what's on my mind. Can be boring but it's just me being transparent.


  1. Hey Taylor am I detecting a new Anthony Robbins in the making???? I personally think you'd make a great public motivational speaker. This is your passion, so GO FOR IT!!!
    You were great Saturday, loved the full body
    db work-out...simple, intense and fast.....

    I do agree with you, it is a rarity to find someone living his passions and beliefs....The purpose in this life, still searching, but until I find my passion, guess purpose of life is at a standstill.
    So Mr. Taylor when is your next motivational
    seminar.........I'll be there.....Ginette

  2. Thanks Ginette! I find it fun to speak with others about life and reaching our respective potentials...whatever that may mean to people.
    I believe I'll be doing the flexibility seminar on the 16th...if I can sneak out early from the cont ed course I'm due to attend.
    I just have to figure out how my passions will formalize into a plan of action for a business concept and career. I'm getting there. In a way I can't really put in words, this blogging/keeping a public diary is helping. As I always say...time will only tell. Thanks again Ginette for always being so supportive of maven and me. You're the best!
