Saturday, January 30, 2010

Last night turned out to be a maven staff workout!

Was it the fact it was Friday night and I was the only one without dinner plans? Is the training taking its toll on the crew?? Is it me!!! =) It worked nicely...haven't had the maven crew join in on a workout in a long time. Even Dr. Yoo carved out 40 min in his busy schedule to flex his triathlon muscles! Dr. Murphy and Bhairvi made me proud to call them members of TEAM MAVEN! The gym was empty which allowed us to to do half the workout in Studio 2. My other business partner Rob Gromb joined in at the 30 min mark of the training session. He's going to join me every other Saturday for some intense training. I'm excited to have someone so exprerienced in intense military style training as my buisness partner for Jato Fitness cencept.

Now for one of my random ramblings...
I keep having the same conversations with guys. It starts with them saying "Uhhh...yea I think your workout is good for cardio BUT...". I can't help but chuckle. That statement pretty much means this to me "Uhhh...yea I think I don't like getting my ass kicked that badly...I don't know if I can hang with these women". Yes, I've concluded that this common assumption is true...majority of the men out there are not as tough as women. That's why they stick with 5 minutes of rest in between sets and lift heavy things rather than train their bodies/minds.

It definitely seems to be harder for guys to change their perspective from a body-build LIFTING regime to an actual TRAINING program. If they were to switch, their goals would actually be obtained. They would no longer need to compensate with useless supplements and excuses. Instead, there would be discipline, consistency, and actual long-term results. Yeah yeah...a bit harsh huh? Waaahhh...get over it and start TRAINING!! The ability to lift heavy things only impresses contractors and female neanderthals (not many of these walking around in the metro area). I believe this has both mental and physical reasons....Mentally, it's tough to accept the fact that we don't need to lift heavy symmetrical things to increase strength, muscle endurance, and overall fitness...Physically, cross-training programs are grossly more taxing on our systems (basically, it's another level of "burn" which is tough to deal with). Unless you are an aspiring body-builder or an aspiring "meathead" who simply can't get themselves to use lighter weights and sometimes no weights...cross training is for you. It's the best way to obtain overall fitness safely, effectively, and efficiently. I've come to this conclusion after 15 years of trying every program out there and studying the science of fitness/exercise. For those of you who still feel there is an argument to dead-lifting the front end of cars for overall health/fitness...please come speak to me or put that talent to use and try out for the worlds strongest man contest! I will gradly help you realize your faulty thinking and rationale. =)

Yesterday's MAVEN workout!
-Warm up: 3 min each of the following - TM/VC/Bike
1. Full Plyo push ups: on the up cycle...hands and feet leave the floor (15-15-10)
2. Burpees: (15-10-10)
1. KB swing alt hands squats: (15-15-10)
2. Push up crunches: (15-10-10)
1. Sumo squats with opposite weighted ball lifts: (15-15-10)
2. Pushups with under body reach: (15-10-10)
1. Push up plus for serratus on dip bars: (15-10-10)
2. Suspension knee to chest abs TRX straps: (15-15-15)
3. Triceps extensions rope cable: (15-15-15)
4. Leg lift progressives abs: (15-15-15)
5. Dips progressives: (15-15-15)
6. Planks crunches with 25 lbs plate on butt/back: (15-10-10)
1. Bicep progressives 30 lbs: (15-15-10)
RPE: 15 TIME: 70 min

Breakfast: super shake and fish oil
Lunch: Korean (eel and rice and salad)
Snack: raw meal bar
Dinner: Japanese (east): sushi
Snack: Protein shake
Tons of water!!!

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