Wednesday, January 13, 2010

So far so good! 1st week almost done!

It's been a special week so far. I'm about to complete my first week of training as I make a return to high-level fitness and document every step. Although the training has been exciting, what has made this week so special is that I've had the opportunity to meet with some incredible people through networking and friends. Every meeting started out with discussions of business and/or real estate...but quickly moved on to more meaningful topics such as life philosophy, money/success, and the pursuit of happiness (which sounds cheesy but happens to be one of my favorite movies). I can't help it, I like happy endings (get your minds out of the gutter!). I feel 2010 will be a pivotal year for me in regards to discovering my true potential and figuring out myself. Thinking too much has gotten me into trouble before but I feel I'm actually on the right track and in a good frame of mind. Due to my tendency to be self-reliant and independent, receiving help/quidance from others has always been a struggle of mine. That's why I'm attached to my Kindle and reading books written by authors who I can't help but respect and learn from. Many of them have devoted their lives to researching and "figuring out" things for us. However, New York Times best selling authors can only do so much for my personal/professional growth and learning due to the absence of a friendship/relationship between the reader and author. I feel 2010 will be a year when I'll find a person who I can seek a life-transforming mentorship from. Many highly successful and content people I know speak of having a mentor who challenged them and guided them during confusing times. You can say I'm "hungry" for some guidance. As you can tell, I'm pretty much using this blog as my diary...but I'm trying not to ramble on and on too often.

Todays' workout:

-WARM UP: the usual (TM walk 5 min/Versaclimber 5 min/jump rope 5 min)


1. Push-ups (ONE SET: flat & bench) (20-15-10)

2. Dips (20-15-10)

1. Speed step-ups: (3 sets of 30 seconds)

2. Heavy bag MMA kicks (alternating): 3 sets of 30 seconds)

1. Railing plyo push-ups (ONE SET: plyo & non plyo) (25-20-15)

2. Cable chest press 20 lbs (focusing on full contraction of pecs every rep) (20-15-15)

1. Mini squat jumps (20-20-20)

2. S/L DB heel raises 25 lbs plate (20-15-15)

1. Tricep extensions with rope attachment 20 lbs (25-20-15)

2. Bilat standing tricep extensions 10 & 8 lbs (20-15-15)

-Abs (VIDEO clip of one cycle)

1. Leg lift progressives (15-10-10)

2. Side plank obliques (10-10-10)

3. Basic crunches (25-20-15)


-BREAKFAST: Super shake and fish oil

-LUNCH: Thai food (chicken/rice noodles in a light peanut sauce) & tum yum soup

-DINNER: Arugula/avocado salad with cilantro dressing, a small block of salmon steak, a little rice, alittle potato/egg salad, a bowl korean vegetable stew. Now that's a meal!

-SNACK: Trader Joe's granola and a oatmeal cookie


  1. Nice, I like to hear that you are motivated to growing as a person. It is not easy to admit that. Keep going man, I am cheering for you.
