Saturday, January 9, 2010

My friend DOMS has decided to come earlier than usual!

DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness): A perfectly natural response to exercise. For those of you who aren't familiar with what muscle soreness's essentially your body's way of telling you there was "damage" done via a "trauma". In this case, the planned "trauma" was in the form of exercises. Since I was relatively de-conditioned, the intensity/activities I exposed to my body caused an inflammatory response. This response is due to the exercises individually and collectively causing microtrauma to the muscles and associated connective tissues. The art is in controlling the extent of trauma/damage to ensure safe/effective/efficient net progress. Body does not increase its fitness/performance level unless it's exposed to abnormal "stresses". With more training/experience, people can hone their ability to know this threshold level in themselves and even in others. Usually for me, DOMS does not set in until after the initial 24 hour period post-workout. However, the cross-training has definitely brought it on earlier than usual. Although I definitely feel the DOMS, it shouldn't impede me from performing my program today safely, effectively, and efficiently (SEE).

I'll post my workout of the day on the day on the day of the actual workout. Then after the workout is completed, I will add the notes/comments to my workout that same evening or at the latest within 12 hours. That is my promise.

Any updates are in red text.

-TM Walk: 3.8 mph. 5 min. Incline increased a degree every 1/2 min from 6 to 15 degrees. OK
-Versaclimber: 5 min OK
-Rowing: 5 min OK
1. Jump-up Pull-ups: 25-20-15 OK
2. Push-up Plus: 25-20-15 OK
1. Squats: 25-20-15 OK
2. Hip Extensions: 15-10-10 OK
1. Push up with crucifix alt. DB lifts: 20 lbs. 15-10-10 OK
1. Abs-reverse crush progressives (alt/bilat/alt KTC/bilat KTC): 15-10-10 ONLY 2 SETS
2. Abs-Side plank oblique hip raises: 15-10-10 ONLY 2 SETS
3. Abs-Crunches: 25-20-15 ONLY 2 SETS
-Versaclimber: 5 min OK
-Time Goal: 45 min (ACTUAL 55 min)
-Workout RPE: 16

My partner Jerry Yoo and I are holding another seminar at our Paramus office today 12-3pm. It should be another successful one. I put together a full body workout for the participants which I'll instruct. The cool thing about this program...all you need is 5 or 10 lbs dumbbells! Lets just say they'll remember this seminar for at least a few days! =)

UPDATE: The seminar went really well. Was able to give the participants a full body workout in 20 min! They seemed to enjoy the intensity and pace...everyone broke a sweat and got a few laughes in as well. I felt very comfortable with the seminar participants and the topic of motivating people to strive for a lifestyle of fitness/health. It's great to be both a fitness & healthcare professional. Days like today definitely boosts my confidence and helps motivate me even more as I steamroll towards my fitness/professional goals.

I'll updated later. Sooner or later, I hope to get more than one (me) blogger actually following me! As always, I welcome any comments/questions.

UPDATE: Today's meals (tons of water!!)
-BREAKFAST: My super shake!
-Fish oil pill
-LUNCH 1 (12 pm): Salmon roll and Tuna roll (mmmm)
-LUNCH 2 (3 pm): Korean food (very little fat but substantial)
-DINNER (7 pm): 1/2 while butterfish, some rice, guacomole, and kimchi (mmmm)
-Trader Joe's puff ball snacks (ate a small bowl of the puff balls with my monkeys)

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