Friday, January 22, 2010

Workouts picking up some steam!

The workouts are definitely picking up in intensity. The group training is helping to motivate the guys. We need some gals representing! Anyone?? It might be just me but I doubt it...I really feel and see a difference after only 2 weeks of consistently sticking with my program. Next week will begin the incorporation of the TRX training straps. It's going to get fun!

Today's workout team: Andre, Victor, Scott, and Alain

Warm-up: Treadmill 5 min/Jump rope 5 mnin/Versaclimber 5 min/Bike 5 min (level 8 maintaining over 90 rpm)
1. Burpees (VIDEO CLIP-Alain): 5x5
2. MMA kicks to heavy bag: alternating 6x20
1. Bent over barbell rows (VIDEO CLIP-Scott): 95 lbs (15-15-15)
2. Jumping pull-ups: (15-15-15)
3. Lying pull-ups: (15-15-15)
4. Bent over alternating rows: 10 lbs plates (15-15-15)
1. Incline hip extensions: (12-12-10)
2. DB modified deadlifts: (15-15-15)
3. Leaning bilat heel raises (VIDEO CLIP-Andre): (20-15-15)
4. S/L line toe jumps (VIDEO CLIP-Andre): (15-15-15)
1. Plate rotations around head (VIDEO CLIP-Me): 25 lbs plate (15-15-15)
2. Ant delt raises with DB (VIDEO CLIP-Me): 25 lbs DB (15-15-15)
3. DB lateral raises: 10 lbs DB (15-15-15)
4. Thera tubing lateral raises: Yellow (15-15-15)
5. Thera tubing bicep curl progressives (Bilat/Bilat twists/Alt twists): Red (25-25-25)
1. Stairs: 2 up and 1 down (x8)
1. Supine leg twists: (10-10-10)
2. Reverse curls: (12-12-10)
3. Knee to same side elbow with crunch: (15-15-15)
4. Crnches: (15-15-15)
RPE: 17 TIME: 90 min

-Breakfast: Super shake and fish oil
-Snack: Protein shake with frozen fruit, banana, and water
-Lunch: Korean rolls (kim bap)
-Snack: Raw meal bar from whole foods
-Dinner: kim bap covered and cooked with 3 egg whites, kim chee, and spinach soup
-Snack: Trader Joe's granola and veggie chips (just a little)
Tons of water!!

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