Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Had fun today telling people about this blog!

I feel 85% ready to launch my regimen. There is some lingering stuffiness in the sinus and an occasional cough. Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty damn good. Joel (an ex-golden glove boxer who I train with occasionally) agreed to participate in my workouts. He's always reluctant due to the misled belief that "weight training" slows your punch down. I told him my program will only increase his power and improve his muscular endurance. He accepted my invitation. My training groups may get a bit bigger than I'd like for them to get. We'll just have to work something out!!

Another day full of meetings. Had an opportunity to finally sit down with the president of the fitness management company running the gym Maven's Cliffside Park office is located in. Told him of my intent to start Jato Fitness and affiliate services which I feel may work well for them. He seemed open to the idea but wasn't sure about the logistics of cost and benefit. He asked me to put together a business proposal...which I will and present next week some time.  I had to stop him a few times as he compared me and my business to the average one-of-a-dozen training business. He doesn't yet fully understand what I'm capable of and what my team of trainers will help establish in a few months at any facility we end up partnering with. Overall the meeting went well and there may even be some opportunity for Maven....we'll see!

Then, it was back to Maven Paramus to have a much overdue meeting with one of our staff. It's amazing to me how relative things are in life. Some people feel a strain in personal finances is worth much worry while other people in the world live daily with the constant threat of death. As I always say...perspective defines how we decide to live our lives.

4pm - brief meeting with Matt (owner of the gym where Maven Paramus is located). There appears to be some good progress at the gym after a week of some seemingly positive changes.  The New Year is also contributing to more warm bodies and activity.  Hopefully, things will come together the way it should and 2010 will be a defining year for Matt.

Maven full staff meeting was fun, energetic, and productive. Thanks to all of you who attended. The Maven team is really coming together nicely. We recently hired a new office manager who is ideal for Maven...Lauren kicks ass and she's been here for 48 hours. I let the staff know of Jato Fitness and that I'll be kicking off my intense workouts. A bunch of them appeared interested in joining in to get themselves into form again...it's should be an awesome!  We gave a cake to Scott (Maven GM) for his 31st B-day! He seemed surprised and happy for the kind gesture. Thanks Scott for putting up with everyone's issues and HAPPY BIRTHDAY old man!

Met up with a long-time friend Myung Choi for a late dinner at Ichiban. What's so cool about Myung? He was born on the same year, month, and day. What's even crazier? He was born in the same city as me!!! Seoul, South Korea!! However, it wasn't the same hospital.  Anyway, it was cool meeting up with him and catching up. We realize how much we've both changed in the last 10 years. We will definitely be getting together more often. 

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