Monday, January 18, 2010

Productive day!

Plowed through a stack of bills for Maven, a few phone calls, emailing, and had a few meetings. It's definitely easy to fall behind when there is so much on the plate...or not. Actually, I fall behind because I choose to not be as productive. It's so easy for us to blame our seemingly stressful lives as the reason for not doing this or that. When it comes down to it...we just choose to not make time for what we supposedly have no time for. It really is about prioritizing what needs to be done and being efficient actually getting it done. For most of my professional career, I loved being busy for the sake of being busy regardless of how little I was getting done. I guess this is something most of us struggle with...efficiency and productivity while maintaining a balanced life both professionally and personally. Is it impossible? Absolutely! Is it easy? Absolutely not! It takes tons of conscious effort, discipline, and practice to create new habits. Unfortunately, most of us quit or get distracted way before habits can be formed and engrained. Even before good habits can be formed, there has to be a perspective change. For example, if we continue to see our lives as out of hand and out of our control, it will be. However, if we train our minds to think of our lives as our lives, we regain control of it and are able to reorgainze and manage it. I'm getting there. It's been a rough inconsistent road, but it's finally beginning to click and 2010 looks to be a pivotal year for me. Hopefully, some of you will choose to regain control of your lives and develop new habits, which will likely enrich and enliven you daily as you begin to live out your dreams...instead of simply hoping for them.
Had a pretty intense workout today. Scott, the birthday boy from my last post decided to join me. He took a few weeks off due to various reasons (mostly fighting off a cold which he had to get on antibiotics for). I hope he enjoyed our workout and got a glimpse of what true cross-training is all about. I took a few pictures of him performing squats.
-WARM-UP: Treadmill 5 min (3.8 mph/begin at 6 degrees incline/increase incline a degree every 30 seconds), Versaclimber 5 min, Speed jump rope 5 min
1. Dips (20-15-10)
2. Push-up progressives (ONE SET: Floor plyo/Flat/Bench) (15-10-8)
1. 35 lbs plate squats (25-20-15)
2. 16" box jumps (15-10-10)
1. Gravitron dips 40 lbs of assistance (20-15-10)
2. Cable chest fly/press 30 lbs (20-15-10)
1. Side lunges (15-15-10)
2. 16" box S/L step ups (15-10-10)
1. Dips progressives (VIDEO CLIP) (ONE SET: legs up/legs on floor/knee at 90) (25-20-15)
2. DB tricep extensions (VIDEO CLIP) (20-15-10)
3. Railing focus push-ups (VIDEO CLIP) (emphsize horiz abduction) (20-15-15)
1. Leg lift progressives (ONE SET: leg lifts-twists/KTC alt/KTC bilat) (15-15)
2. Pelvic tuck-KTC-Pelvic rotation (TAYLOR ORIGINAL) (15-15)
3. P-Ball crunches (20-15)
RPE: 16 TIME: 60 min


-BREAKFAST: Super shake and fish oil.

-LUNCH: Japanese (chicken teriyaki lunch box)

-DINNER: Fish, some rice, arugula salad, and a little kimchi jigae (a korean favorite)

-SNACK: 1/2 a Korean pear

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