Monday, February 8, 2010

Great workout!!! Probably the toughest yet!

Superbowl weekend was relaxing but fun. Spent most of the weekend with my 3 ladies. Bella and Sofie can't get enough Sushi...especially Bella. She's not one of those people who you meet and they say "oh, I love sushi..", but when you ask what type of sushi they like...they say "yea, I like the non-fishy type...eww the raw stuff is not my thing". Duh!! This is usually about the point when I want to immediately stop talking to that person. People!!! You don't like sushi!!! You like california rolls! =)
Anyway, my older one loves the real stuff. I mean she'll ask specifically for the fish roe, sashimi, and anything stinky and slippery. When we grill or stew fish, she will always ask for the eyes and slurp them up like how other kids suck and chew on skittles. Gotta love Bella! Don't worry, we're not irresponsible parents who would give massive quantities of mercury-tainted tuna and bottom feeders to our child...stop judging us. =) She only gets a sushi or two.
The superbowl party I attended was chill/fun. Christine and Sofie (Sofie wasn't feeling well) stayed home while Bella and I went over to my close friend's house. Christine is not a huge football fan and would be more interested in the choice of wines offered at the residence. I stayed until half time and returned home with Bella. I'm really getting comfortable resisting unhealthful foods. I ate a burger and a huge plate of salad...and I didn't even touch the beer. Felt good and enjoyed the game/company very much.

Now for today's workout details. One month ago, I promised Joel (BD's boxing trainer) that I'd spar with him at the 1 month mark of my program. It was exhausting but I felt much better than a month ago. I could tell Joel was pushing much harder and at one point even looked like he was out to do some real damage. Actually, the guy is a cardio machine...he simply doesn't seem to fatigue. I even got sloppy a few times and punched in face. I think he knew that was going to happen because he put in a mouthguard before we began to spar. We went 2 rounds and he basically turned me into a punching bag by round 2. For every 1 shot I got in...he probably hit me 2 or 3 times. It felt good though! Thanks Joel.
After my boxing warm up, we started the training program. At this point, I was pretty much spent and felt like I had sprinted a mile. We had the biggest group so join me for my workout (we had 9). It was also one of our most efficient workouts. It was non-stop ass whoopin and we were all business. There is no doubt today's workout was very motivational and people seem to be getting a sense of what my workouts are about. Basically, non-stop...intense...circuit/cross training. It will test you physically and mentally. The weak of mind will struggle quite a bit, but with practice and a bit of motivation from the others...people catch up and start to get it.

I always find it interesting when people make an issue of others trying to get fit. I don't know if it's just envy/jealousy, but all they have to do is ask instead of gossiping and complaining about the group getting too big and hogging their gym. It's like they would rather hate on the group simply trying to get fit than simply ask to join in. I don't get it and it's getting kind of annoying. People! Either leave me alone or ask for help. No matter how you look at it, the workout group brings so much energy to the gym and helps create an environment which all gyms should environment where you can feel the actual pursuit of fitness/health instead of a bunch of people going through the motions. Get with the program and please take your complaining else where...this comment/suggestion box is full!!

Today's workout:
-Warm-up: Boxing 2 rounds (sparring with Joel)
-3 cycles of the following 2 stations (switch every 30 seconds):
1. Plyo push ups on medicince ball
2. Bilat KTC (Abs)
-3 cycles of the following 2 stations (switch every 30 seconds):
1. 25 lbs plate chest push and pulls
2. 25 lbs plate squats
-3 cycles of the following 9 stations (switch every 30 seconds):
1. Crunches
2. Push ups
3. 25 lbs kettle bells lunges
4. KB 20 lbs bent over punching rows
5. Box jumps
6. Bar hops Bilat
7. Dummy man alt kicks
8. Heavy bag alt. pushing
9. Rest/timer
-Stairs: Run up 2 steps at a time and down 1 step at a time. (7 or 8 times)

Today's Meals:
-Breakfast: Super shake and fish oil
-Lunch: Huge grilled chicken cobb salad with cranberry/italian dressing on the side
-Snack: Whole avocado and banana
-Snack: 35g of protein (whey isolate)
-Dinner: 5 egg whites scrambled with turkish eggplant side (leftover from Sunday) and some of Christine's lasagna with skim ricotta cheese (a taste)
-Tons of water!!!

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