Today's workout team: Andre, Victor, Scott, and Alain
Warm-up: Treadmill 5 min/Jump rope 5 mnin/Versaclimber 5 min/Bike 5 min (level 8 maintaining over 90 rpm)
1. Burpees (VIDEO CLIP-Alain): 5x5
2. MMA kicks to heavy bag: alternating 6x20
1. Bent over barbell rows (VIDEO CLIP-Scott): 95 lbs (15-15-15)
2. Jumping pull-ups: (15-15-15)
3. Lying pull-ups: (15-15-15)
4. Bent over alternating rows: 10 lbs plates (15-15-15)
1. Incline hip extensions: (12-12-10)
2. DB modified deadlifts: (15-15-15)
3. Leaning bilat heel raises (VIDEO CLIP-Andre): (20-15-15)
4. S/L line toe jumps (VIDEO CLIP-Andre): (15-15-15)
1. Plate rotations around head (VIDEO CLIP-Me): 25 lbs plate (15-15-15)
2. Ant delt raises with DB (VIDEO CLIP-Me): 25 lbs DB (15-15-15)
3. DB lateral raises: 10 lbs DB (15-15-15)
4. Thera tubing lateral raises: Yellow (15-15-15)
5. Thera tubing bicep curl progressives (Bilat/Bilat twists/Alt twists): Red (25-25-25)
1. Stairs: 2 up and 1 down (x8)
1. Supine leg twists: (10-10-10)
2. Reverse curls: (12-12-10)
3. Knee to same side elbow with crunch: (15-15-15)
4. Crnches: (15-15-15)
RPE: 17 TIME: 90 min
-Breakfast: Super shake and fish oil
-Snack: Protein shake with frozen fruit, banana, and water
-Lunch: Korean rolls (kim bap)
-Snack: Raw meal bar from whole foods
-Dinner: kim bap covered and cooked with 3 egg whites, kim chee, and spinach soup
-Snack: Trader Joe's granola and veggie chips (just a little)
Tons of water!!
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